Image of
The Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph

Consecration | First Five Wednesdays | Image | Feast Day | Rosary | Home

September 2, 2008 (St. Joseph)
I touch on this point because (He’s smiling.) because I desire a painting of My Most Chaste Heart to be done so that all may come before the image of my Most Chaste Heart and receive abundant graces and mercy. I desire this to be done so that it may foster the devotion to my Most Chaste Heart. This is my request, and I ask that it be completed as soon as possible so that as soon as possible this devotion may reach other souls in need of my protection, my grace, and my love.


October 2, 2008 (St. Joseph)
Also, my little ones, I come because I desire to give to you the five promises of the painting which shall be done of my Most Chaste Heart. These five promises are for the painting and also they are for the memory of the First Five Wednesdays devotion. The five promises are these:

  1. I shall grant to the souls, through this painting of mine, purity – purity of heart.
  2. I promise to be their protector and to defend them against all attacks from the evil one.
  3. I promise to grant to the head of the family, which is the father, the grace of loving
    discipline for his children.
  4. I shall grant greater love for the Blessed Virgin Mary. Those who pray before my
    image will have a burning desire for the love of their mother, which I too desire to
    guide you to.
  5. I promise to grant abundant charity to those who pray before the image of my Most
    Chaste Heart. The charity I will give is charity to you when you are in need, and in
    exchange, I desire you to be charitable to those who need your help.

These are my five promises that I will grant you every time you pray before the image of my Most Chaste Heart.

The image has been cropped to the following standard sizes for immediate printing.

3” x 4”
(19,456 bytes)

3” x 5”
(19,294 bytes)

4” x 6”
(27,360 bytes)

5” x 7”
(37,379 bytes)

8” x 10”
(83,023 bytes)

The following hi-resolution image is made available for your custom applications.

1944 x 2592 pixels
(978,944 bytes)

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