Message (2) from YOUR MOTHER OF MERCY


December 13, 2004 through Chris Courtis, a visionary in Maryland, U.S.A.


(She’s looking around at everyone.  She’s smiling.  She has the Baby Jesus with her throughout the whole apparition.  She says,)


If I give to you my Chaplet, will you promise to pray it everyday with your Rosary, and honor me the way you honor Jesus’ Divine Mercy?  I will give it to you for the sake of Jesus and for my little ones. 


My dear little children, praised be Jesus!

My dear children, I call you to be attentive to the lessons of mercy and love.  But in order to absorb the messages and live the messages of mercy and love, you must always be in the state of grace and prayer.  Therefore, dear children, do I wish to teach you how to be merciful and how to call upon me as your Mother of Mercy.  For when the Heavens are closed, I open them!  When the door to Heaven is locked, I unlock it!  When oppression and depression rules, it is I who will set you free, for I am your Mother of Mercy!  This is the most powerful of all titles because it shows to you my human nature and God’s unceasing divine love.  This is how you should pray:


You will begin with the Sign of the Cross, in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. 


Then you will recite as you normally do with the Divine Mercy Chaplet, the Our Father, (the group prays the Our Father)


Next you will recite as the same, Hail Mary. (The group prays the Hail Mary) and the Apostles’ Creed. (The group prays the Apostles’ Creed.)


Also, my dear ones, when you say the Apostles’ Creed, do not say “descended into Hell” but

add the words, “descended into the lower part of Purgatory.”


And now, my Chaplet:

You will begin with the first large bead of the first decade by saying:

“Oh, Mother of God, Mother of the Word Incarnate, Mother Most Holy, pray for me.”


Then on the ten small beads completing the whole decade you will say this prayer :

“Oh, Mother Mary, Mediatrix of God’s Graces and Mercy, we bow before thee and ask you to pray for us. Oh, Mother of Mercy, with hope we call on thee.”


You will continue the prayers going around the Chaplet until you are completely done.  At the end, before you say the last prayers on the next three beads, I advise you (She’s holding up her Rosary at the site of the medal.) here to say the Hail Holy Queen. 

Then conclude by simply reciting, “Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, pray for me.

         Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, pray for me.

                                                         Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, pray for me.” ®


Then you will conclude with the Sign of the Cross ending, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. 


This is my Chaplet for the Mother of Mercy.  You must understand that above all I am the Mother of God and your mother and that nothing, nothing is impossible through my intercession.  Little children, sometimes God the Father will not pardon you because your sins are too many, or because He feels a lesson needs to be learned, but your mother, through her mediation, God the Father will pardon you and lessen the severity of your sufferings. 


All things are possible through the Mother of Mercy because she is the Mediatrix of All Graces and she is your loving mother. If you love me and have a devotion to me under this title, (She’s smiling.) there’s no need to even tell you of the graces, blessings, miracles, wonders, healings, and everything that will be obtained through this title, The Mother of Mercy.  That is why I desire in the prayer to also be called mediatrix, because that is what I am.  I call you to pray this Chaplet every day and to realize that I love you.


Now I shall depart. I shall depart, yet I will remain with you in an ever special way.  However, before I depart, I wish to give to you great graces. (Her hands are like the painting, holding  Jesus, and rays are going down all over the place! She says,)


See how the graces come forth from my hand, and my heart (And there’s rays of light coming out of her chest also.)  I take your petitions into my Immaculate Heart and will present them to my Son Jesus who is with me.  Bless you, my little ones, bless you for being little. (They’re both blessing us, Jesus and His Blessed Mother!) Thank you for having responded to my call.  Go in the great peace and joy of God Most High, Ad Deum.


(Copying and distribution of this message is permitted and encouraged as long as nothing is changed, added, or deleted.  Other messages of God the Father, Jesus, and Mary can be read at