May 13, 2001 through Chris Courtis, a visionary in Maryland, USA


My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

My dear children, I come today from Heaven to deliver a very urgent message from Heaven, and that is, stop offending God!  My dear little ones, God the Holy Trinity is so very much offended.  If you do not make a sincere effort to amend your ways and return to God soon, God my Son will send unto you chastisements until you amend your ways.  God will send unto you floods, epidemics, earthquakes, droughts, war and every natural disaster you can think of as a sign of purification. I have come also today to tell you that Hell does exist!


In Fatima, Portugal in 1917, I came to tell three shepherd children the way to save this world, and that way comes only through entering My Immaculate Heart. Enter, therefore my children, into the refuge of my Immaculate Heart!  I have asked the Father to delay the chastisements that are falling on you now, even as we speak, and He has asked me to tell the whole world that in order to obtain true peace in the world, God my Son, God the Father and God the Holy Spirit have given the 13th of each month to Mary as Marian Day. Every 13th of each month is to be dedicated to Mary so that she may obtain peace within the whole world.  If my people would join in prayer with me, with their mother, on the 13th of each month, no matter where they are, then the whole world would have true peace!  God has given to the world Mary as their mother once again so that all may be saved.


Also on this day, I’m giving to you spiritual refreshment, not just on this day, but on each 13th of the month.  Today also, I bless each mother and also those mothers that you carry with you in your hearts.  As a role of a mother, it is important to provide a spiritual foundation as well as a physical foundation for your children.  Teach your children to pray.  Pray!  Pray!  Pray!  Pray your Rosary as a family and grow, my little ones, in God’s great love and mercy.  If my mothers will open their hearts to family prayer, then true peace will reign within each family and then throughout the whole world.


There are serious sins in the world which are destroying the family unit.  If my children do not return to God soon, your sins shall bring about greater suffering.  Restore the family through the healing power of family prayer, especially the Rosary, and then, through my Immaculate Heart all will be saved.  With a mother’s most urgent plea, I plead with you, my dear little children, you must stop offending God for He is so greatly offended!


I love you all.  I love all of you, little children, and I bless you.  As you make the Sign of the Cross, I shall bless you and all that you have with you, all that’s on the altar, by the altar, and you yourselves, I am blessing, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.  Please know that, as I make the Sign of the Cross again, I shall depart.  I shall depart, but I shall be with you all in an ever special way whenever you pray. Thank you for responding to my call. Go in the great love, peace, and mercy of God Most High.  Ad Deum.


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